Registration Open for Webinar on Private Sector Initiatives to Reduce Marine Plastics “Brunei’s Journey to Plastic Sustainability: Hands-on Initiatives in Action”. Click here for registration:

Registration Open for Webinar on Private Sector
Initiatives to Reduce Marine Plastics “Brunei’s Journey to Plastic
Sustainability: Hands-on Initiatives in Action”

The Regional Knowledge
Centre for Marine Plastic Debris in collaboration with the Department of
Environment, Parks and Recreation of Brunei Darussalam, supported by the GIZ
3RproMar program, will host a webinar ” Brunei’s Journey to Plastic
Sustainability: Hands-on Initiatives in Action”. This webinar is a
valuable opportunity to learn about Brunei’s efforts to combat marine plastic
pollution and explore innovative solutions from the private sector. Register
now and be part of the conversation!

Save the date!

Date: June 20th ,

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Time: 10:00 AM to 12:15 PM

Platform: Zoom


What to Expect:

·       Discover innovative solutions from leading Bruneian
companies that promote a circular economy and reduce plastic waste.

·       Learn about government initiatives and research
findings on plastic waste management in Brunei.

·       ERIA’s role in promoting innovative approaches
undertaken by the private sector in the ASEAN+3 region.


The Regional Knowledge Centre for Marine Plastic Debris was established under the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia in 2019. The Knowledge Centre’s mission is to provide information and support to ASEAN+3 Member States, thereby helping them to improve the circularity of plastic and prevent leakage into marine environments.

Sumber: vritimes